المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الانجليزية 2باك الشعب العلمية والتقنية والأصيلة مع الحل

06-06-2009, 18:41
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

هذا الموضوع هو للأخ Achrafenglish قمت بتحويله لملف

pdf صغير جدا بعدما كان حجمه أكبر من 30mo

الموضع بصيغة pdf في الملف المرفق


نزار قباني
06-06-2009, 19:07
مشكور اخي و الله

06-06-2009, 19:18
شكرا لك أخي على المرور

08-06-2009, 09:09
The answer to n°A 1 in comprenhension is not precise,the right answer is: he no longer wanted to see his mother fight.........expenses

08-06-2009, 12:01
the answer to n°a 1 in comprenhension is not precise,the right answer is: He no longer wanted to see his mother fight.........expenses

شكرا لك أخي تم التعديل

08-06-2009, 14:02
I've got problem in writing they ask we to talk about consequences of drug but they ask some other questions is it necessary to answer this questions ?

19-06-2009, 07:24
I've got problem in writing they ask we to talk about consequences of drug but they ask some other questions is it necessary to answer this questions ?

A lot of students do not know what to write. That's why they add those questions to help. they are very helpful because they give students hints about what should be written