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خالد السوسي 12-10-2008 11:21

Building your vocabulary
Assalamu aalaykum dear members
In this new topic, I'm going to provide much information about some common words and their different synonyms and variations and I do hope this will help you increase your vocabulary and use the English ******** productively.

1/ Good and very good

Instead of saying that something is good or very good, try to use more precise and interesting adjectives to describe things:

* Delicious/ tasty food.
*an exciting/ entertaining/absorbing movie
*a pleasant/ an enjoyable trip
* an absorbing/ a fascinating/ an informative book.
* a skilful/ talented/ fine player.
*impressive/high-quality acting.
*useful/helpful advice.

In conversation you can also use words like: great, super, wonderful, lovely and excellent.

2/ Nice and very nice:

Instead of saying that something is nice or very nice, you can use more precise and interesting adjectives to describe things:

* pleasant/perfect/beautiful weather
* a cosy/ a comfortable/ an attractive room.
*a pleasant/ an interesting/ an enjoyable experience.
* expensive/ fashionable/ smart clothes.
*a kind/ a charming/ an interesting man.
* The party wasfine

In conversation you can also use great, wonderful, lovely and (in British English) brilliant.

3/ Bad and very bad:

Instead of saying that something is bad or very bad, try to use more precise nad interesting adjectives to describe things:

*an unpleasant/ a foul/ a disguisting smell.
* appalling/ dre***ul/ severe weather.
*an unpleasant/ a frightening/ a traumatic experience.
*poor/weak eyesight.
*a terrible/ serious/horrific accident.
*a wicked/ an evil/ an immoral person .
* an awkward/ an embarrassing/ a difficult situation.
* difficult/ appallingconditions
* to refer to your health, you can say:
I feel unwell/ sick/ terrible; I don’t feel (very) well.

In conversation, words like terrible, horrible, awful and dre***ul can be used in most situations to mean ‘very bad

To be continued

hanimos 14-10-2008 19:21

veeeery good
thank you

salma8 23-10-2008 16:20

many thanks for this lesson wich is so important

خالد السوسي 23-10-2008 18:12

Thanks heartly hanimos and salma8 for your nice and kind replies

This is the second part of this topic

Words that mean ‘break

Burst : The balloon hit a tree and burst.
***** : The ice started to *****.
Crumble: Crumble the cheese into a bowl.
Cut : He cut the wire in two.
Fracture : He fell and fractured his hip.
Shatter: The vase hit the floor and shattered.
Smash : Vandals had smashed two windows
Snap : I snapped the pencil in half.
Split : The bag had split open on the way home.
Tear : She tore the letter into pieces.

NB.All the above verbs except cut can be used with or without an object.

Words that mean 'cry

To cry is the most general word for producing tears when you are unhappy or hurt, or when you are extremely happy.

To sob means to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths.
To wail means to cry in a loud high voice .
To whimper means to cry making low, weak noises.
To weep means to cry quietly for a long time.
To be in tears means to be crying.
To burst into tears means to suddenly begin to cry.
To cry your eyes out means to cry a lot or for a long time, because you are very sad


abdelkadernaji 05-11-2008 11:18

Thank you Mr Khalid

so much

خالد السوسي 05-11-2008 17:58


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة abdelkadernaji (المشاركة 244817)
Thank you Mr Khalid

so much

You're welcome. Thanks deeply for your kindness

أهلا بك أخي الفاضل عبد القادر ومرحبا وشكرا جزيلا لمروركم الكريم وردكم العطر وبارك الله فيكم وأسأل الله العظيم أن ييسر كافة أموركم.

خالد السوسي 09-11-2008 17:59

Expressions on your face.
To beam is to have a big happy smile on your face.

To frown is to make a serious, angry or worried expression
by bringing your eyebrows closer together so that lines appear on your forehead.

To glare or glower is to look in an angry, aggressive way.

To grimace is to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc.

To scowl is to look at someone in an angry or annoyed way.

To smirk is to smile in a silly or unpleasant way that shows that you are pleased with yourself, know something that other people do not know, etc.

To sneer is to show that you have no respect for someone by turning your upper lips upwards.

These words can also be used as nouns. For instance: she looked up with a puzzled frown – He gave me an icy glare – a grimace of pain…

Using your hands:


These verbs describe different ways of touching things

Feel : I felt the bag to see what was in it

Finger: She fingered the silk delicately

Handle: Hnadle the fruit with care

Rub: She rubbed her eyes wearily

Stroke : The cat loves being stroked

Pat : He patted my arm and told me not to worry

Tap :Someone was tapping lightly on the door

Squeeze : I took his hand and squeezed it


You can use these verbs to describe taking something quickly.

Grab : I grabbed his arm to stop myself from falling.

Snatch :She snatched the letter out of my hand

These verbs describe holding things tightly

Clasp :Her hands were clasped behind her head.

Clutch : The child was clutching a doll in her hand.

Grasp : Grasp the rope with both hands and pull.

Grip : He gripped his bag tightly

To be continued

خالد السوسي 16-11-2008 20:40

Different ways of laughing

Cackle : to laugh quietly, especially because you are thinking about something funny.

Giggle: to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous.

Guffaw: to laugh noisily

Roar: to laugh very loudly

Snigger/snicker: to laugh in a quiet unpleasant way, especially at something rude or at someone’s problems or mistakes.

Titter : to laugh quietly, especially in a nervous or embarrassed way.

You can also be convulsed with laughter or dissolve into laughter when you find something very funny. In British English people also shriek with laughter or howl with laughter.

Objects you can use

It is useful to know some general words to help you describe objects, especially if you don’t know the name of a particular object.

A device is something that has designed to do a particular job : “ There is a new device for cars that warns drivers of traffic jam ahead

A gadget is a small object that does something useful, but is not really necessary: “His kitchen is full of gadgets he never uses”

An instrument is used especially for delicate or scientific work: “ What do you call the instrument that measures temperature?’ ‘ A thermometer

A tool is something that you use for making and repairing things: ‘Have you got one those tools for turning screws?’ ‘ Do you need a screwdriver

A machine has moving parts and is used for a particular job. It usually stands on its own: “What’s a blender?’ ‘It’s an electric machine for mixing soft food or liquid

An appliance is a large machine that you use in the house, such as washing machine.

Equipment means all the things you need for particular activity : “ climbing equipment

Apparatus means all the tools, machines or equipment that you need for something ; “ Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus”

jayyy 16-11-2008 20:40

veeeery good
thank you

خالد السوسي 16-11-2008 20:43

You're welcome Mr.JAYY .Thanks heartly for your nice and kind reply and may Allah the Almighty reward you

teachera 04-12-2008 17:59

thank u so much . very interresting and useful vocabulary

خالد السوسي 05-12-2008 10:46

You're most welcome teachera. Thanks deeply for your kind reply and may Allah reward you



If you want to talk about a small amount or one example of something that is normally an uncountable noun, there is a range of words you can use. You must choose the right one to go with the substance you are talking about.

Piece and (British informal) bit are very general words and can be used with most uncountable nouns: a piece of paper/ wood/ string / cake / fruit / meat / work / research / advice * a bit of paper / work / chocolate / luck .

A slice is a thin flat piece : a slice of bread / cake / salami / cheese / pie / apple * (figurative) a slice of life.

A chunk is a thick, solid piece : a chunk of cheese/bread/rock * a chunck of land (= a fairly large piece)

A lump is of something solid without any particular shape : a lump of coal / rock / mud.

A fragment is a very small piece of something that is broken or damaged : fragments of glass * (figurative) fragments of conversation . It can also be used with countable nouns to mean a small part of something: A fragment of the story.

A speck is a tiny piece of powder : a speck of dust / dirt. You can also say : a speck of light.

A pinch is as much as you can hold between your finger and thumb : a pinch of salt / cinnamon.

A portion is enough for one person : a portion of chicken.

************************************************** ********************************************

Describing smells

These adjectives describe pleasant smells
* Scented candles.
* Aromatic oils.
* Fragrant perfume.
* Sweet-smelling flowers.

To describe unpleasant smells, you can use

* Smelly cheese.
* Stinking fish.
* Musty old books.
* Acrid smoke.

Types of smell

Pleasant smells:

* The rich aroma of fresh coffee.
* A herb with a delicate fragrance.
* A rose’s sweet perfume.
* The scent of wild flowers.

Unpleasant smells

* Nasty household odours.
* The stench of rotting meat.
* The stink of stale sweat.
* The reek of beer and tobacco.

Teach and teacher


* Teach : John teaches French at the local school – she taught me how to change a tyre.

* Educate : Our priority is to educate people about the dangers of drugs.

* Instruct : Members of staff should be instructed in the use of fire equipments.

* Train : She’s a trained midwife - He’s training the British Olympic swimming team.

* Coach : He’s the best football player I ever coached – She coaches some of the local children in math ( British English)

*Tutor : She tutors some of the local children in math ( American English


* Teacher :school / college teachers.

* Instructor : a swimming / science instructor.

* Trainer : a horse trainer – Do you have a personal trainer

* Coach : a football coach.

* Tutor : tutors working with migrant children.

************************************************** *********************************************

سوزى المسلمة 08-12-2008 14:41

thank you veeeeeeeeeeeeery much

خالد السوسي 08-12-2008 15:40

You're welocme. Thanks deeply for your nice and kind reply and may Allah reward you

عيد مبارك سعيد

خالد السوسي 10-12-2008 11:16


Saying that somebody is thin

Thin is the most usual word : Steve is tall and thin and has brown hair. It is sometimes used with a negative meaning
Mother looked thin and tired after her long illness.

The following words all express praise or admiration

Slim means pleasantly thin. It often used to describe women who have controlled their weight by diet or exercise
She has a beautifully slim figure.

A slender girl or woman is thin and graceful.

A lean man is thin and fit.

Willowy describes a woman who is attractively tall and thin.

The following words are more negative in their meaning

Skinny means very thin, often in a way that is not attractive : a skinny little kid.

Bony describes parts of the body when they are so thin that the bones can be seen: the old man’s bony hands.

Scrawny suggests that a person is thin, weak and not attractive: a scrawny old woman.

Gauntdescribes a person who is a little too thin and looks sad or ill.
Underweight is used in medical contexts to describe people who are too thin because they are ill or have not had enough food: women who smoke risks giving birth to underweight babies.

Emaciated describes a serious condition resulting from illness or lack of food.

Anorexic is a medical term, but is now also used informally to describe a girl or woman who is so thin that you are worried about them.

It is more acceptable to talk to somebody about how thin or slim they are than how fat they are.

************************************************** ********************************************
Ways of walking

* Creep: He could hear someone creeping downstairs.

* Limp: One player limped off the field with a twisted ankle.

*Pace: I found him in the corridor nervously pacing up and down.

*Pad: She spent the morning padding about the house in her slippers.

*Plod: They wearily plodded home through the rain.

*Shuffle: The queue gradually shuffled forward.

*Stagger: They staggered out of the pub, completely drunk.

*Stomp: She stomped out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

*Stroll: Families were strolling around the park.

*Tiptoe: They tiptoed upstairs so they wouldn’t wake the baby.

*Trudge: We trudged up the hill.

************************************************** ***************************************

Types of weather


*Drizzle is fine light rain.

* A shower is a short period of rain.

* A downpour or a cloudburst is a heavy fall of rain that often starts suddenly.

*When it is raining very hard you can say that it is pouring. In formal British English, you can say it is bucketing down or chucking it down. You can also say: The heavens opened.


* A cyclone and a typhoon are types of violent tropical storms with very strong winds.

* A hurricane has very strong winds and is usually at sea.

* A monsoon is a period of very heavy rain in particular countries, or the wind that brings this rain.

* A squall is a sudden strong, violent wind, usually in a rain or snow storm.

* A tornado(or twister ‘informal’) has very strong winds which move in a circle, often with a long narrow cloud.

* A whirlwind moves very fast in a spinning movement and causes a lot of damage.

* A blizzard is a snow storm with very strong winds.

* Tempest is used mainly in literary ******** to describe a violent storm.

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A bar of choclate

If you want to describe a whole unit of a particular substance, or a group of things that are normally together, for example when you buy them, you need to use the correct word.

* A bar of soap/ choclate; a candy bar.

* A block of ice / stone / wood.

* A bolt / roll / length of fabric.

* A loaf of bread.

* A cube of ice/ sugar; an ice/ sugar cube.

* A roll of film / carpet.

* A slab of marble / concrete.

* A stick of gum

* A bunch of bananas / grapes.

* A bunch / bouquet of flowers.

* A bundle of papers/ sticks.

* A set/ bunch of keys .

* A set of chairs / glasses / clothes .

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9ahiro ljibal 24-01-2009 10:34

this is very interesting .
Thand you very much

خالد السوسي 24-01-2009 20:11

You're most welcome dear teacher 9ahiro aljibal and thanks heartly for your kind reply and may Allah reward you all the best

saadelhelaly 05-02-2009 19:36

هذه اولى مشاركاتي معكم
اشكر جهودكم

خالد السوسي 06-02-2009 09:47


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة saadelhelaly (المشاركة 428653)
هذه اولى مشاركاتي معكم
اشكر جهودكم

السلام عليكم اخي الكريم سعد الهلالي ومرحبا بكم معنا ونرجو لكم مقاما طيبا في أحضان منتدى دفاتر

وشكرا جزيلا لكم لمروركم الكريم وردكم العطر وجزاكم الله خيرا وبارك الله فيكم ووفقكم ويسر كافة أموركم

وأرجو أن تتقبلوا فائق تقديري وامتناني


عنقاء 12-03-2009 03:29

Thanks alot

خالد السوسي 13-03-2009 09:37

You're most welcome and thanks deeply for your nice reply

Actions expressing emotions

Often parts the body are closely linked to paticular verbs. The combination of the verb and part of the body expresses an emotion or attitude. These are few examples:

  • If you click your fingers, you’re trying to remember something.
  • If you click your tongue, you’re annoyed.
  • If you drum / tap your fingers, you’re impatient.
  • If you hang your head, you’re ashamed.
  • If you lick your lips, you’re anticipating something good or you’re nervous.
  • If you nod your head, you’re agreeing.
  • If you bite your lips, you’re nervous
  • If you clench your fist, you’re angry or aggressive.
  • If you purse your lips, you’re disapproving.
  • If you raise your eyebrows, you’re inquiring or surprised.
  • If you scratch your head, you’re puzzled.
  • If you shake your head, you’re disagreeing.
  • If you shrug your shoulders, you’re doubtful or indifferent.
  • If you stamp your feet, you’re angry.
  • If you wrinkle your nose, you’re feeling dislike or distate.
  • If you wrinkle your forehead, you’re puzzled.


She bit her lips nervously.
She raised questioning eyebrows.
I wrinkled my nose in disgust.
He scratched his head and looked thoughtful


عبد العالي الرامي 13-03-2009 09:52

شكرا اخي على المجهود دمت متالقا

خالد السوسي 13-03-2009 09:56

العفو استاذي العزيز


وشكرا جزيلا لكم لمروركم الكريم وردكم العطر وبارك الله فيكم ووفقكم واعانكم وسدد خطاكم ويسر كافة أموركم

أم أمل 23-04-2009 12:33

thanks Mr Khalid i'm wondering if u can help me i see that u r skillful at english vocabulary i need a little help in the writing activity for bac exam i'd like to have some writing samples about the units programed mainly in ticket 2 english textbook i'd be grateful if u can do this favour to me!

خالد السوسي 26-04-2009 11:03

Let me first thank you Oum Amal for your kind and nice reply an may Allah reward you the best reward.

Regarding your request,I'll be glad to give you a hand whenever you wish but there's a small hurdle : I'm not teaching higher secondary school (i.e: lycée) I'm just a middle school teacher and I don't have a single idea what the units in ticket 2 textbook are about which necessitates that you have to supply me with the major topics and themes you have tackled so far or you're going to see in the coming units so that I could try to guess what kind of writings you may encounter the day of your final exam. Moreover, I can assure you that you have a nice and good English that I deduce from your cohesive and coherent reply which means that I don't have to worry about your future perfomances. Furthermore, if you like, I can provide you with some useful writing techniques to make your writings clear and accurate

Till then thanks a lot and good luck

أم أمل 27-04-2009 14:49

thanks so much Mr Khalid I thought that u r a bac teacher that's why i made the request anyway i m not a bac student i m a teacher giving private courses to bac students and my students always request samples of writings i have already provided some but i want to check and compare with other samples

خالد السوسي 29-05-2009 10:11

I've supplied a few samples in this link

Hope this will help, though it's too late

سهاد56 10-06-2009 08:10

this is very interesting
thanks a lot

خالد السوسي 10-06-2009 18:54

You're most Welcome and thanks deeply for your kind and nice reply and may Allah the Almighty reward you the best reward

khalid amzil 11-06-2009 13:05

Please,firstly don't laugh,because my english ******** is not very high,but i promise you to make a great effort in order to became extremely a brillinat student.What you are giving to us is frankly interesting.Thanks a lot of teacher for your assiduity.finally i hope that you can correct all the mistakes

خالد السوسي 12-06-2009 09:21

To tell the truth, your English is not that bad. You've got nice ideas and you are using good expressions. You only have very few mistakes . for example

to become not to became

(became is the simple past of become)

brilliant instead of

frankly, what you are giving us is instead of
What you are giving to us is frankly

Thanks a lot teacher and not
Thanks a lot of teacher

Thanks heartly dear Mr. Amzil for your nice reply and kind remarks and may Allah the Almighty reward you the best reward and keep you happy

khalid amzil 12-06-2009 09:31

Really,thank you teacher for this information.I receive your correction with great pleasure.

خالد السوسي 12-06-2009 17:53

I do appreciate your kindness and generosity Mr.AMZIL and once
again thanks deeply

With my best wishes


خادم المنتدى 28-08-2015 08:05

شكرا جزيلا لك و بارك الله فيك
تحياتي العطرة

الساعة الآن 19:17

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