Bac2 how to write an argumentative essay - منتديات دفاتر التربوية التعليمية المغربية
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:: دفاتري جديد ::
تاريخ التسجيل: 13 - 10 - 2008
المشاركات: 64
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قديم 30-05-2009, 23:02 المشاركة 1   
افتراضي Bac2 how to write an argumentative essay

Argumentative essay writing is not an easy skill to acquire. Many people consider this type of paper to be an easy attempted job. Of course, you can argue your opinion effectively expecting that the reader will accept your point of view. This won’t be achieved, however, if you ignore the point of view of others and force them into your own conclusions. You have to provide the supportive facts to go along that will convince the readers about your opinion.
Writing a good dis**** essay requires you to become an expert on the issue. When choosing a topic, you should avoid writing about issues that can't be won, regardless of how confident you may feel about them. Among the hottest topics of our time are abortion, gun control, freedom of speech, capital punishment and euthanasia. It is not advisable to cover these topics, as they are impossible to win. But, however, you can try your best to let the reader know about your view point accompanied by all your sustaining ideas.
So how should you begin work on your paper? First of all, you are to spend some time choosing a controversial issue. Then state your thesis and discuss the issue so that the reader will get full understanding of the problem. In your thesis sentence state what your position is. You should avoid using the first-person narration, which weakens your arguments making it biased as it will give only your judgments.
Argumentative essay doesn't assert your opinion, but presents arguments, and these should be backed up by data which persuades the audience that the opinion is valid. The data includes statistics, facts and testimony of others through questionnaires and personal interviews or through books and articles. As a writer you should also seek to use non-biased sources and use them fairly. When presenting your point, you have to be ready that the audience will be skeptical and disagree with you. Therefore, it is important that you emancipate a trustworthy and reasonable tone. By making concessions and anticipating objections, you inspire confidence. Successful argument papers and research papers are provided by our knowledgeable team of essayists who consider top quality as the priority in writing.

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:: دفاتري جديد ::

تاريخ التسجيل: 23 - 3 - 2022
المشاركات: 1

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قديم 23-03-2022, 23:26 المشاركة 2   

I think that at school and at home, children do not devote enough time to practicing writing skills, and young people rarely read books. For example, fiction can expand your vocabulary, you can build sentences more beautifully, and your stories will become engaging and interesting if you can convey atmosphere or mood through metaphors. This is really very important. I recently wrote my graduation essay and realized that this is quite a difficult writing job for me and it is important for my future essay, so I decided to contact a special service here, where I was helped by a specialist to edit my graduation essay. Seeing professional work is really cool. He told me a couple of new tricks for making a sentence clear and concise.

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argumentative, bac2, essay, how, write

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