منتديات دفاتر التربوية التعليمية المغربية - عرض مشاركة واحدة - language teaching methodology 13- The PPP Approach to Communicative Language Teaching
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تاريخ التسجيل: 21 - 10 - 2007
السكن: أمام الحاسوب
المشاركات: 207
معدل تقييم المستوى: 223
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قديم 06-09-2008, 12:38 المشاركة 1   
افتراضي ******** teaching methodology 13- The PPP Approach to Communicative ******** Teaching

The PPP Approach to Communicative ******** Teaching

"PPP" (or the "3Ps") stands for Presentation, Practice and Production - a common approach to communicative ******** teaching that works through the progression of three sequential stages.

Presentation represents the introduction to a lesson, and necessarily requires the creation of a realistic (or realistic-feeling) "situation" requiring the target ******** to be learned. This can be achieved through using pictures, dialogs, imagination or actual "classroom situations". The teacher checks to see that the students understand the nature of the situation, then builds the "concept" underlying the ******** to be learned using small chunks of ******** that the students already know. Having understood the concept, students are then given the ******** "model" and angage in choral drills to learn statement, answer and question forms for the target ********. This is a very teacher-orientated stage where error correction is important.

Practice usually begins with what is termed "mechanical practice" - open and closed pairwork. Students gradually move into more "communicative practice" involving procedures like information gap activities, dialog creation and controlled roleplays. Practice is seen as the frequency device to create familiarity and confidence with the new ********, and a measuring stick for accuracy. The teacher still directs and corrects at this stage, but the classroom is beginning to become more learner-centered.

Production is seen as the culmination of the ******** learning process, whereby the learners have started to become independent users of the ******** rather than students of the ********. The teacher's role here is to somehow facilitate a realistic situation or activity where the students instinctively feel the need to actively apply the ******** they have been practicing. The teacher does not correct or become involved unless students directly appeal to him/her to do so.

The PPP approach is relatively straight forward, and structured enough to be easily understood by both students and new or emerging teachers. It is a good place to start in terms of applying good communicative ******** teaching in the classroom. It has also been criticized considerably for the very characteristic that makes it the easiest method for 'beginner' teachers, that is, that it is far too teacher-orientated and over controlled. A nice alternative to 'PPP' is Harmer's 'ESA' (Engage/Study/Activate)

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