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الصورة الرمزية freeteacher
:: دفاتري متميز ::
تاريخ التسجيل: 25 - 4 - 2012
المشاركات: 183
معدل تقييم المستوى: 166
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قديم 04-11-2012, 19:30 المشاركة 1   
Question Exams,quizzes & activities

i Ahmed Bennacer School Teacher: Montasir
Class: First Year Bac. English
Lesson type: Writing.

The topic Sentence: Practice.

1/ Complete the following paragraph with the appropriate topic sentence from the list.
………………………………………………………………………….Many children begin learning to play soccer when they are very young. You often can see them playing at school or in the streets around their houses. In high school, students may play soccer on a team and compete in tournaments. If a player is very good , he might go on to play for a professional team. People in my country love to watch soccer on television and also go to the games whenever they can. Many people have a favourite team or player, and everyone likes to talk about matches and competitions. Soccer is really like a national sport in my country.
From: College Writing
a/ I love to play soccer, and I hope I can become a professional player one day.
b/ The most popular sport in my country is soccer.
c/Soccer is a difficult sport to learn to play well.
2/Write a topic sentence for two of the following topics:
-Playing a musical instrument.
-Your favourite place to relax.
-Your favourite food to eat.
-Your favourite school subject.

Lycee: Sidi Ahmed Bennacer First Term-Quiz Nr Level:1st yearBac English ********
Teacher: Brahim Montasir Allotted time:30min
The benefits of Exercise
Clinical studies have demonstrated that regular exercise reduces the risk of death due to heart disease and helps in reducing weight. The psychological benefits are also diverse, and most studies suggest a positive relationship between physical fitness and mental achievement.
The relationship between regular exercise and cardiovascular health is well established. Regular exercise leads to a reduction in the risk of heart disease, in which fatty deposits form in blood vessels supplying the muscular wall of the heart and taking oxygen to the heart muscle. In addition, with regular exercise the efficiency of the heart during exercise is increased.
Many people exercise to lose weight. When we exercise, we burn the calories we take from the food we eat. The number of calories burned during exercise varies greatly with the type of physical activity, but the key to successful weight reduction is to exercise regularly. And over a period of time, if food consumption is simultaneously reduced or remains the same, significant weight loss will result.
But how much exercise is enough to improve general health, reduce the risk of heart disease, and increase longevity? One recent U.S. National Institute of Health suggested that as little as 30 minutes every day of purposeful, moderately hard physical activity—for example, rapid walking —is sufficient to lower the risk of heart disease. However, there is no clear evidence to prove that an especially rigorous exercise routine, such as running many miles per day, as opposed to walking or jogging daily, will add years to a person's life.
A/ COMPREHENSION: (5 points)
I/ Are the following statements True or False. Justify your answers .(base all your answers on the text) (2pts)
1/Exercising reduces the risk of heart problems.
2/When people exercise they can lose weight.
II/ Complete the following sentences with information from the text: (2pts)
1/ Studies showed that…………………………………………………
2/ Our general health may improve if ………………………………….
III/ Find in the text words meaning the same as: (1pt)
1/ Stay. 2/ kind.
B/********5 points)
I/ Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form. (3pts)
1/You (succeed) if you work hard.
2/ I used to smoke when I (be) younger.
3/ Hassan: (you – ever- visit) France?
Ali :Yes ,three times.
II/ Put the words between brackets in the correct form.(2points).
1/ Alaarabi is a (month) magazine.
2/ In (poverty) countries, people don't have health insurance.
3/ Americans are very much worried about the (safe) of their soldiers in Iraq.
4/ (Happy) is the goal of everybody in life.

Ahmed Bennacer Lycee Teacher: Montasir
English /Extra reading. English/2nd y.Bac.

Rights of the Individual
In December 1998, the United Nations marked the 50th anniversary of the world’s most comprehensive human rights declaration: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . The UDHR was approved by the United Nations General Assembly, with no dissenting votes, on December 10, 1948. The thirty articles of the UDHR were expected to serve as a "common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations." The signers of the UDHR emphasized the need for all people and all nations to promote respect for the rights and freedoms specified in the document through education. As a whole, the document was meant to recognize the inherent dignity and equal rights of all human beings. In essence, the document represented the basic needs, hopes, and wishes of men and women around the world. A review of the thirty articles of the UDHR reveals a commitment to education, health, work, and culture as well as legal and political rights:
Article 1: Right to equality
Article 2: Freedom from discrimination
Article 3: Right to life, liberty, and safety
Article 4: Freedom from slavery
Article 5: Freedom from torture and cruel, inhumane punishment
Article 6: Right to be protected by the law
Article 7: Right to be treated in the same way as others by the law
Article 8: Right to legal aid if rights are not respected
Article 9: No arbitrary arrest, prison, or exile
Article 10: Right to a public and fair trial
Article 11: Right to be considered innocent until proven guilty .
Article 12: Right to privacy and protection
Article 13: Right to move within one’s country and to leave/return to it when one wishes
Article 14: Right to protection in another country if one’s rights are violated in one’s own country
Article 15: Right to be a citizen of one’s own country or to become a citizen of another country
Article 16: Right to marriage and family
Article 17: Right to own property
Article 18: Freedom of religion
Article 19: Freedom of opinion and speech; freedom to give and receive information
Article 20: Right to organize meetings
Article 21: Right to participate in government and in free elections
Article 22: Right to personal development by taking part in the economic, social, and cultural life of the country
Article 23: Right to work for fair pay and to join labor unions. Right for women to receive pay equal to men’s pay
Article 24: Right to paid holidays and reasonable work hours
Article 25: Right to food, housing, and medical care
Article 26: Right to an education
Article 27: Right to participate in the cultural life of one’s community
Article 28: Right to a social and international order that protects all these rights
Article 29: Community duties are necessary for free and full development of people
Article 30: Right to all these freedoms without interference by government or individuals
The thirty articles of the UDHR were written and agreed upon by representatives of many different nations, nations with different political systems and different populations. The United Nations was not the first organization to promote respect for human rights. In 1791, for example, the Constitution of the United States of America was amended to include a Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights, in actuality the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, was created to protect the basic rights of U.S. citizens. As an example, the first amendment protects individuals from governmental interference by means of freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion. Amendments five to eight define and protect specific rights of individuals accused of crimes or involved in dis****s under law; more specifically, the sixth and seventh amendments guarantee an individual’s right to a lawyer and a trial by jury. Since the passage of the Bill of Rights in the late 1700s, an additional 17 amendments have been added to the U.S. Constitution. For example, slavery was outlawed in 1865 with the 13th amendment; women were granted the right to vote in 1920 with the 19th amendment; and in 1971, the minimum voting age in the U.S. became 18 with the passage of the 26th amendment. Other nations have passed similar declarations to recognize and protect individual rights. Sadly, many people around the world find themselves living in environments without the rights set forth in the UDHR some fifty years ago.

Lycee: Sidi Ahmed Bennacer English ********
Teacher: Brahim Montasir Level: 2nd year Bac Grammar : Reported Speech
I/ discuss the following questions with your partner:
1.Why is there a war in Afghanistan?
2.Who is fighting whom in Afghanistan?
3.What does NATO stand for?
II/ What do you think the text you are going to read is about?

NATO in Afghanistan
Nato secretary general, has insisted that the alliance can succeed in Afghanistan and called Nato's operation "mission possible".
Scheffer said "it is unacceptable that allied forces in Afghanistan 20 per cent below the required strength. "He said: "While we have to be frank about the risks, we also have to avoid over-dramatizing the difficulties."

Taliban fighters have intensified their
campaign against Nato forces
He was speaking a day after a suicide bomber killed two Canadian soldiers in the latest attack on a Nato convoy in southern Afghanistan.
The British prime minister, Tony Blair, has also urged Nato to do more in Afghanistan. He told a news conference held with Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Danish prime minister: "NATO's credibility is at stake here. If we don't succeed in Afghanistan the world will be less secure."
Chirac said: "The Europeans have relied on their American allies for too long . They have to shoulder their share of the burden by making a national defense effort commensurate with their ambitions for Nato and also for the EU."
Scheffer voiced support for Chirac's plan, saying: "We need a body like the contact group in Kosovo that brings the key international actors together on a regular basis and coordinates overall strategy."

III/Comprehension Questions:
1.Has NATO succeeded in Afghanistan?
2.What did Tony Blair say?
1.Compare Tony Blair's speech(1) with the following speech(2): Tony Blair said that NATO's credibility was at stake there. He added that if they didn't succeed in Afghanistan the world would be less secure.
2. Write down the changes in the following table:

Speech (1) Speech(2)

1.Read the grammatical summary below.
2.In pairs, find in the text all direct speech sentences and report them.

VI/ Grammatical summary:
NB.In reported speech ,when the reporting/introductory verb is in the past, tense and adverbs change as follows:

Direct speech Reported (indirect) speech
Simple present: "I never eat meat", he explained.
Present Continuous:"Aicha is watching TV", he said.
Present Perfect:" I have lost my wallet", Peter said.
Simple past:" I took it to school with me", he added.
Past perfect:" I had been there" ,he said
Future:" I will/shall come tomorrow", he told us.
Conditional:" I would/should like to see you" she said.
Must: " I must go now", She said.
Can: " I can do it" , he said.
May :"It may rain", he said.
Might: "He might shoot", they shouted to us.

Other expressions
The day before yesterday
The day after tomorrow
Next week/month/year etc.
Last week/month/year etc
A week/month/year etc. ago Simple past: He explained that he never ate meat.
Past continuous: He said that Aicha was watching TV
Past Perfect: Peter said that he had lost his wallet.
Past perfect: He added that he had taken it to school with him.
Past perfect: He said that he had been there.
Conditional: He told us that he would come the next day.
Conditional: She said that she would/should like to see me
Had to: She said that she had to go then.
Could/was-were able to: he said that he could do it.
Might: He said that it might rain.
Might: They shouted to us that he might shoot.

That day.
The day before
Two days before
The next/following day
In two days' time
The following week/month/year etc.
The previous week/ month/year etc.
A week/month year etc. before.

Teacher: Brahim Montasir
Lesson type: Listening/ Writing.
Source: The English you Need for the Office.
By Susan Dean and Lawrence J.Zweir (2003)
Level: Common core (After Unit 4)
Materials: BB+ V.A. (picture –at a restaurant) + CD player.
Estimated time: 55min

Students will be able to:
- Listen for gist.
- Listen for specific information.
- Complete a dialogue using words from the listening text.
- use pre-taught vocabulary in model sentences

1/ Warm-up: (5min)
- Ss talk about food they like to have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

2/ Pre-listening activities (15min)
- Setting the scene for the topic: Eating Lunch in a Cafeteria.
- Pre-teaching vocabulary: tray- server- steam table –spoon up –beverage-napkin.
- Guessing: Ss answer the following question orally:
- What do you think the text you are going to listen to is about?
Different answers are accepted to encourage participation.

3/ While-listening: (25min)
1st listening: Ss listen and make sure their guesses were right.
2nd listening : Ss listen and answer the following question:
-Where are Alice and Matt?
- Oral correction
3rd listening and focal question:
-What did Alice and Matt have for lunch? Complete this table.

Alice Matt
-BB correction.

4/ Post-listening activities 10min)
- Dialogue completion.
-In pairs Ss complete the following dialogue:

-Alice: Here is the …………..we are having dinner at. You can get hot food from the …… ……..or a
sandwich from the sandwich bar.
-Matt: Is there a …………. to serve us, or shall we take the food ourselves?
-Alice: You have to take a ……….from the counter there,…… ……the soup in a bowl, take your
food in a plate and take everything to a table.
-Matt: What about drinks?
-Alice: If you feel like a coke, go to the ……..counter over there and help yourself with it.
Adapted from: The English you Need for the Office (2003:113)
- BB correction.

5/ Homework: At home, Ss write one sentence for each of the following vocabulary items:
-tray -spoon up -beverage – serve.


Alice took a clean tray from the cart. She made a salad at the salad bar. At the steam table, she ordered a bowl of soup:" Navy bean soup, please."
The server spooned it up and gave it to her.
Matt went through the line behind Alice. He ordered a chicken dinner:" I'll have the chicken".
But the server said they were out of chicken:"Sorry, we don't have any chicken. Would you like the fish?"
Matt asked for the fish instead:"Okay, the fish sounds good, too."
The server put a portion of fish on a plate and gave it to Matt. At the beverage counter, Matt got some lemonade. He picked up some silverware and napkins. Then, the cashier rang up his meal:" That'll be 5.50$." He joined Alice at a table. Later, they threw away their garbage and returned their trays.

Source: The English you Need for the Office.

1/Complete the following dialogue with the words below.

napkin - spoon up – server – beverage - steam – tray

-Alice: Here is the cafeteria we are having dinner at. You can get hot food
from the …(1)… table or a sandwich from the sandwich bar.
-Matt: Is there a ……(2)……. to serve us, or shall we take the food ourselves?
-Alice: You can take a bowl from the counter there,…(3)………the soup , take
your salad in a plate then take everything in a…(4)………. to a table.
-Matt: What about drinks where can I get one?
-Alice: Well, if you feel like a coke, go to the ……(5)……counter over there
and help yourself with it When you finish eating, you can use
this……(6)………..to clean your hands.

2/ Homework:
At home, write one sentence for each of the following words:
tray -spoon up -beverage – server-steam- napkin

Sidi Ahmed Bennacer Lycee. Teacher: Montasir
Class: First year Bac . English

Post listening :

1/Complete the following dialogue with the words below.

napkin - spoon up – server – beverage - steam – tray

-Alice: Here is the cafeteria we are having dinner at. You can get hot food
from the …(1)… table or a sandwich from the sandwich bar
-Matt: Is there a ……(2)……. to serve us, or shall we take the food ourselves?
-Alice: You can take a bowl from the counter there,…(3)………the soup , take
your salad in a plate then take everything in a…(4)………. to a table.
-Matt: What about drinks where can I get one?
-Alice: Well, if you feel like a coke, go to the ……(5)……counter over there
and help yourself with it When you finish eating, you can use
this……(6)………..to clean your hands.

2/ Homework:
At home, write one sentence for each of the following words:
tray -spoon up -beverage – server -steam- napkin

اللهمَّ اكفنا شرَّ ما أهمَّنا وأغمَّنا. آمين..
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التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة خادم المنتدى ; 11-04-2016 الساعة 18:20

خادم المنتدى
:: مراقب عام ::

الصورة الرمزية خادم المنتدى

تاريخ التسجيل: 20 - 10 - 2013
السكن: أرض الله الواسعة
المشاركات: 17,180

خادم المنتدى غير متواجد حالياً

نشاط [ خادم المنتدى ]
معدل تقييم المستوى: 1869
قديم 11-04-2016, 18:21 المشاركة 2   

شكرا جزيلا لك..بارك الله فيك..شكرا جزيلا لك

شكرا لك على الموضوع الجميل و المفيد
جزاك الله الف خير على كل ما تقدمه لهذا المنتدى
ننتظر إبداعاتك الجميلة بفارغ الصبر


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة خادم المنتدى ; 11-04-2016 الساعة 18:23
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The English bac exams: the second session mohamedbakkas2007 اللغة الانجليزية 3 03-10-2011 22:28
vocabulary/grammar activities Robin_hood مواضيع بالانجليزية 12 28-05-2009 21:04
Vocabulary, listening, speaking and reading activities for beginners talebaziz مواضيع بالفرنسية 2 23-04-2009 21:31
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الساعة الآن 01:43

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